Centers & Institutes showcase
Athlete Well-being
The Center for Athlete Well-Being aims to improve the well-being of athletes through the translation of prevention research to effective policies and practices. The center works collaboratively with a wide variety of organizations and individuals (e.g., coaches, parents, sport administrators).
Community-Engaged Design
CC-ED fosters community-university partnerships for research into and design of the built and natural environments. The center collaborates with community partners, nonprofits, and municipal departments to apply innovative design thinking and methodologies to projects in underserved areas and for underrepresented populations.
Housing & Community Studies
CHCS brings a multidisciplinary, multi-method, community-engaged approach to complex and lasting social problems such as substandard housing, segregation, and homelessness, providing services such as community-based evaluations and sustainable long-term regional planning.
Industry Research & Engagement
CIRE performs high-quality applied research in economic policy and business practice, including economic-impact analyses, industry studies, regional economic profiles, feasibility studies, opinion surveys, program assessments, and updates of current economic conditions.
New North CarolinianS
CNNC advances the capacity of immigrants and refugees by building bridges between immigrant populations and existing communities throughout NC via community-based outreach and advocacy, research and evaluation, immigrant and refugee leadership development, and more.
Translational Biomedical Research
CTBR, located at the North Carolina Research Campus in Kannapolis, NC, conducts research on the molecular mechanisms of disease pathogenesis and progression, identifying biomarkers for diagnosis, and discovering novel interventions for disease prevention and treatment.
Women’s Health & Wellness
CWHW advances the health and wellness of women and girls through collaborative research, educational programs, and community engagement, placing a strong emphasis promoting positive health, quality of life, and sense of well-being for girls and women of all ages, from all backgrounds and communities.
Youth, Family & Community Partnerships
CYFCP builds the capacity of families, service providers, researchers, teachers, and communities to promote the well-being of children and youth. The center carries out basic, applied, and action research and translates research into effective programs and practice and policies.
Early College Research
ECRC increases the visibility of the early college model, an innovative form of schooling that breaks down barriers that prevent students from accessing college degrees and other certifications. The center serves as a nexus of research and expertise to assist schools and promote student success.
Community & Economic Engagement
ICEE recognizes the essential interconnections between scholarship and economic, cultural, and community engagement. The institute serves as a central communication hub about engagement activities, relationships, resources, scholarship, best practices, and outcomes.
Data, Evaluation & Analytics
IDEA provides a visible and easily accessible point of contact for internal and external partners to access UNCG’s expansive expertise in data analytics, evaluation, research, consulting services, and technical assistance. IDEA supports community, state, national, and international partners.
Partnerships in Education
IPiE brings together educators, leaders and communities to advance equity and improve educational practice. Our goal is to eliminate educational inequality by establishing and sustaining mutual collaborations focused on creating solutions to persistent problems of practice.
Research Technologies
The JSNN Institute accelerates research and innovation through state-of-art research facilities and collaborative partnerships with industry. The Institute serves as a hub for convergence research strengthened by industry partnerships and academic expertise.
NC Entrepreneurship
NCEC helps entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses, and serves as a catalyst for the creation of sustainable and globally competitive enterprises. NCEC promotes entrepreneurship across the campus and in the community through public service and community engagement, education, and research.
NC Sales
NCSI promotes sales education and develops sales leaders. The institute addresses demand for well-trained sales talent who can work within the global marketplace, providing training to both students and members of the professional community.
From large-scale experimental studies to small-scale qualitative work on topics ranging from early childhood to high school reform, SERVE builds the capacity of educators and policymakers to improve educational outcomes for students of all ages.
Health of Vulnerable Populations
CHVP improves knowledge of health disparities and vulnerable populations through research, collaboration, and education. CHVP also hosts initiatives to alleviate those disparities, thus improving the health, access, quality of care, and quality of life of vulnerable populations.