Funding Administered by ORE
Internal Grants & Awards
Scholars’ Travel Program
Publication, Media Development & Exhibitions
Research excellence awards
For more information about funding sources administered by UNCG Research contact, Barbara Hemphill at 336.256.1172 or [email protected].
The awards listed below are not administered by the Office of Research and Engagement. Please contact the unit administering these funds directly.
The International Travel Fund provides faculty with supplemental travel funds to share their scholarship with audiences outside of North America. Faculty can apply to the International Program Office for this funding.
Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Funding – The Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Office (URSCO) offer students the opportunity to work closely with a faculty member on his/her research, scholarship, or creative activity. URSCO administers several different funding opportunities including Undergraduate Research and Creativity Award (URCA), Community Based URCA, and Globally Engaged URCA. In addition, the URSCO Travel Fund provides students with supplemental travel support to present their research, scholarship and/or creative activity at professional conferences in their field.
The UNCG Libraries Digital Partners Internal Grant provides up to $22,500 worth of IT resources (a combination of IT staff time and infrastructure, but no cash awards), through a competitive annual application process.
Teaching and Learning Grants – These grants are focused on providing full-time faculty (professional track/AP/tenured) with funding to research, expand, and promote quality teaching across the University.
Women’s and Gender Studies Research – The Linda Arnold Carlisle Faculty Research Grants are awarded to faculty to support research or creative activity related to women’s and gender studies.
Advancement of Teaching and Learning Grants – These grants are focused on providing full-time faculty (professional track/AP/tenured) with funding to research, expand, and promote quality teaching across the University.
Other intramural funding may be available through the academic units. Researchers should check with their Research Advisory Council representative for more information.