UNCG Response to possible Federal Shutdown

Posted on September 28, 2023

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updated 10.2.23

A government shutdown has been avoided for the time being, with Congress approving a funding plan to keep the federal government open until November 17, 2023.

If an agreement is not reached by then, certain portions of the government will temporarily go unfunded until a fiscal year 2024 budget is approved.

Please be aware that a government shutdown may have some impact on federally funded projects, although in most cases, spending on existing awards may proceed as usual and proposals may still be accepted. Work on federally funded projects can continue as usual, unless sponsoring agencies communicate otherwise, or they issue a stop-work order.

What is a stop-work order and what should I do if I receive one?

Stop-work orders are more common for contracts than grants and are typically issued for individual projects. Stop-work orders advise that all work needs to stop immediately, and no expenses can be incurred on the project until further notice. In some cases, however, more specific restrictions are added to the award terms, for example, restrictions on travel.

Please direct all agency correspondence to research@uncg.edu immediately upon receipt of a stop-work order and coordinate with OSP in all stop work situations. OSP will review the stop-work order and provide guidance to help come to a common understanding on what transactions are allowable and what transactions cannot be charged during the stop-work period. It is important that correspondence and documentation regarding a stop-work order be sent to OSP immediately to allow for timely review and action.

I have a proposal due!

Some agencies will continue to accept automated proposals during the shutdown, but others will not. Please check the sponsor’s web site to be sure. A link to specific agency contingency plans can be found here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/agency-contingency-plans.

If you have specific questions about your proposal submission, please contact your Grants Specialist in the Office of Sponsored Programs. These individuals will be identified and assigned to your Funding Proposal in Cayuse.

For additional information regarding the government shutdown and its impacts to federally funded projects or future proposals, please see the most recent updates at govshutdown.uncg.edu.

We will also send updates to campus via email when major changes occur. Click here to sign up to ensure you receive UNCG Research and Engagement emails.

If you have additional questions, please contact research@uncg.edu.

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