Research Integrity Update 8/30/24

Posted on August 30, 2024

Image of UNCG's Minerva statue with the words

IRB studies should be closed by PIs in Cayuse when you have finished interactions with participants and are only working with de-identified data. Cayuse does not automatically close your study upon the expiration date, but it does send you reminders when those dates are getting close. We are asking for your help to maintain compliance by closing these studies. 

PIs are responsible for responding to IRB inquiries within 90 days after initial request, study expiration, or date of administrative check-in. After 90 days, if no response has been received, the IRB will permanently close the study. If the investigator wishes to continue work, they will need to submit a new study for review. 

(Please note: Researchers will have received multiple requests for update from our office before the IRB closes the study.)

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