UNC Greensboro

Funding Friday | September 13, 2024

LSAMP leaders, staff, faculty, and undergraduate researchers at the 2023 Mountains to Sea Symposium

It’s new funding Friday! Check out some of the grants that recently came through our Office of Sponsored Programs AND find your next funding opportunity.

Internal Support Critical to Success of IPiE

Teachers at computers working

The Institute for Partnerships in Education, a UNC Greensboro School of Education initiative that works with local school districts on projects including tutoring, professional development, and dual enrollment, has rapidly expanded in recent years. While IPiE may be the lead in these external partnerships, none of them would be possible without the assistance of many different offices within UNCG.

“Crip*” ASL-Interpreted Tour

The museum is committed to access for all, and as part of our ongoing efforts, we are introducing ASL-Interpreted gallery tours of the exhibition Crip*: Artists Engage with Disabilities. There will be two tours at 11 am and 12 pm. Tours are free. Please register to attend.

Finding Dory Movie Screening: “Crip*” Film Series

Close-up of image from the Weatherspoon Art Museum which reads "Dracula is ready when you are"

This event is the first of the Crip* Film Series. The program emerged from conversations with the Crip* Advisory Committee, whose members expressed the desire to have alternate media to complement the works on view.