Scholars Travel Program
The Scholars’ Travel Fund (STF) provides full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty with supplemental travel funds to support the presentation of their research, scholarship, or creative activity; to serve as chairpersons; to participate as panelists; or to contribute in other appropriate manners at scholarly meetings in the USA, Mexico, or Canada. Faculty can apply for up to $750 per academic year (with a $375 match). The principal aim of the Scholars’ Travel Fund is to promote research and scholarship.
The STF is administered by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement. The awards may be used for expenses such as airfare, mileage, registration fees, taxis, trains, buses, subways, toll road charges, parking charges, meals, and lodging. Payment of association dues is not an allowable expense from the Scholars’ Travel Fund.
The faculty member is responsible for ensuring that all University policies governing travel reimbursement are followed. This includes following the usual procedures for the submission of travel, registration, payment authorization, and reimbursement forms to the Business Office and any necessary follow-up.
Scholars’ Travel Fund awards are limited to full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty members at the rank of professor, associate professor, and assistant professor. Awards are limited to $750 per trip and require a match of $375. The match may be supplied by the applicant’s school or college, the applicant’s department, external grants, or other appropriate sources. Matching funds may be distributed across multiple sources. The individual with the authority to commit funds for the match must sign the form and initial the match. Retroactive funding will not be considered.
To ensure a fair distribution of resources, faculty members may receive up to $750 per fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). Awards generally will be provided to only one presenter of the same paper/poster. However, if the presentation requires several faculty members (i.e., members of an ensemble) all participants may request support.
Requests should be for travel in the US, it’s territories, Canada, and Mexico. Faculty seeking support for travel to other countries are referred to the International Travel Fund administered by the Advisory Committee on Discretionary Funds for International Programs. All travel outside of the United States, Canada, and Mexico will be considered international travel.
All submissions must be complete for consideration. Departmental and Dean signatures are required regardless of matching source.
- College of Arts & Sciences faculty application
- Health and Human Sciences faculty application
- Application Form for other faculty
Applications will be reviewed as they are received. A complete application should consist of the application form and relevant attachments. The application form must be submitted a minimum of two weeks before the first day of the conference. Faculty members are encouraged to submit applications as far in advance as practical.
No copies are needed. Funding decisions will be communicated to the applicant within one week of the submission date. If the funding decision has not been communicated within one week of submission date, follow up with Barbara Hemphill at [email protected] to confirm receipt of the application.
- Enter the applicant’s name, email address, and telephone number where the applicant may be contacted for additional information or clarification.
- Indicate the applicant’s rank and their department or center. In the case of a joint appointment, enter only the name of the department that will be making a matching contribution for the trip and will be processing the travel reimbursement form.
- Enter the name of the conference and the sponsoring organization.
- Enter the official dates of the conference. The “official” dates of the conference are the actual dates the conference will be in session, not the dates of travel.
- Enter the location of the conference.
- Mark the appropriate reason for the travel and attach the required documentation to the application.
- If presenting research, scholarship, or creative activity, indicate the title and attach an abstract of the presentation and an official notice of acceptance. This can be in the form of an official acceptance letter, email, or program schedule. The applicant’s name must be listed in this information.
- If serving as chairperson or a panelist, attach a description of the committee or panel including the applicant’s responsibilities and an official invitation or documentation of participation. This can be in the form of an official acceptance letter, email, or program schedule. The applicant’s name must be listed in this information.
- If the travel fits the Other category, attach a description of the activity including the applicant’s responsibilities and official documentation of the applicant’s participation.
- Indicate the total estimated cost of the trip, including registration, travel, per diem, and lodging.
- Indicate the source of the matching contribution(s). This must total at least $250. Each matching contribution must be initialed by the individual with the authority to commit funds for the match. If external grants provide matching contributions, the Principal Investigator must initial the application. If support will come from the sponsor of the conference or other sources, briefly describe and indicate the amount. If a signature is not obtainable, attach documentation describing the support.
- Once the conference has been attended, submit a completed TRV-1 travel reimbursement form with original expense documents attached for support. Forms may be found at The form submitted should have all the necessary signatures and banner fund numbers for the matching contribution prior to submission. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement will complete the final banner fund information and signature for the $500.00 of Scholar’s Travel. Duplicate forms are not required to be submitted to the Office of Research and Engagement. All supporting documentation required for expenditures must be included with the TRV-1. A complete set of instructions for completing the TRV-1 are included at the bottom of the form.
- It is the policy of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement not to allow travel advances. In the event, a travel advance, such as the purchase of airline tickets, is incurred it is the responsibility of the traveler or their department to cover such costs.
- All requests for reimbursement must occur within 30 days of the expense being incurred.
Completed applications for the Bryan School, College of Visual and Performing Arts, School of Nursing, and University Libraries should be scanned and emailed to Barbara Hemphill at [email protected]. No copies are necessary. Applications for the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Health and Human Services, and School of Education are to be sent to the Associate Dean of Research for their respective school. Contact Barbara Hemphill in the Office of Research and Engagement at 256-1172 or [email protected] for more information.
The International Travel Fund provides faculty with supplemental travel funds to share their scholarship with audiences outside of North America. Faculty can apply to the International Program Office for this funding. Note: This fund is not administered by the Office of Research and Engagement. Please contact the department administering these funds directly.